主癥 夜間睡夢中排尿,或在遺尿后立即驚醒發(fā)覺,輕者數(shù)日一次,重者一夜數(shù)次。如遷延日久,可見面色萎黃,食欲不振,肢體乏力等全身癥狀,舌淡苔白。脈細尺弱。
Main Manifestations Involuntary micturition during sleep with dreams, or the victim is not aware of it until enuresis occurs, once in several nights in mild cases, or several times at night in severe cases. If this condition prolongs for a long time, then there appear sallow complexion, loss of appetite, weakness of limbs, pale tongue, white coating, thready, weak, slow pulse.
治法 取任脈及膀胱經(jīng)穴為主。針刺用補法或灸法,以補益腎氣,約束膀胱。
Treatment The Back-Shu and Front-Mu points of the Kidney and Bladder are selected as the principal points, with reinforcing or moxibustion to strengthen the kidney and Qi, then improve the function of bladder.
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處方 腎俞 膀胱俞 中極 三陰交 大敦
Prescription Shenshu (BL23), Pangguangshu (BL28), Zhongji (CV3), Sanyinjiao (SP6), Dadun (LR1) |