主癥 陰道中有物下墜,或下墜于陰道口,或陰道口外,甚者墜出數(shù)寸,狀如鵝卵,其色淡紅,自覺(jué)小腹下墜,精神疲憊,心悸氣短,小便頻數(shù),白帶較多,舌質(zhì)淡,苔薄,脈虛弱。
Main Manifestations An object sinking in vagina, or moving down to the vaginal orifice, or protruding from the orifice as much as several inches, light red and goose-egg-like; subjective feeling of dragging down in the lower abdomen lassitude fatigue, palpitation, shortness of breath, frequent urination , profuse leukorrhea, pale tongue with thin coating and weak pulse. |
主癥 陰中有物脫出陰道口外,腰腿酸軟,小腹下墜,或陰道干澀,小便頻數(shù),頭暈耳鳴,舌淡紅,脈沉弱。 |
Main Manifestations An object protruding from the vaginal orifice, soreness and weakness in lumbar region and legs, feeling dragging-down in the lower abdomen, dryness in vagina, frequent urination, dizziness tinnitus, light red tongue and deep, weak pulse.醫(yī)學(xué).全在線www.med126.com |
治法 取任脈、督脈經(jīng)穴為主,毫針刺,補(bǔ)法并灸。
Treatment Points of Conception and Governor Vessel are mainly prescribed. Reinforcing technique is applied. Moxibustion is used jointly.
處方 百會(huì) 關(guān)元 氣海 子宮 中脘
Prescription Baihui (GV 20), Guanyuan (CV 4), Qihai(CV 6), Zigong (EX-CA 1) and Zhongwan(CV 12). | |||
隨證配穴 氣虛者加足三里、三陰交;
Additional Points Qi deficiency : Zusanli (ST 36) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) |