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干眼-Dry Eyes


What is the treatment for dry eyes?

Artificial tears
These come as eye drops, and are usually good at relieving symptoms. You can buy them at pharmacies or get them on prescription. At first, you may need to use them every hour or more to improve symptoms. Once symptoms improve, you may then only need to use them three or four times a day. You need to use them regularly to keep symptoms away.

There are several types of artificial tears with different ingredients. Occassionally, some people find one type may irritate. A change to a different preparation may help if the first does not suit.

Note: some types of artificial tears contain preservatives such as benzalkonium hexachloride. If you use drops that contain benzalkonium hexachloride for long periods, they may damage the front of the eye (the cornea). Therefore, if you use artificial tears more than four times per day long-term, it is best to use a 'preservative-free' brand which does not contain benzalkonium chloride.

Eye ointment
It may also help to use a soothing and lubricating ointment at bedtime for overnight. You can buy this too at pharmacies, or get it on prescription. You should not use ointment during the day as it may make the artificial tear drops less effective, and can blur vision. (Also, do not use eye ointment if you use other eye drops for other conditions such as glaucoma. The other eye drops may not work so well on top of an ointment.)

Other treatments
Artificial tears and soothing ointments work well in most cases. Other treatments may be advised by a specialist in severe cases not helped by the above. For example: medicines to boost tear production by the tear gland, or surgery to block the tears from draining away.

Contact lens wearers

You should not wear contact lenses whilst using many types of eye drops. Check with your doctor or pharmacist. It is often the preservative in the drops that may cause problems. Some types of drops are available without preservative which are suitable for contact lens wearers.

You should not wear contact lenses whilst using eye ointment.

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