Significant Points of the Ren Channel
天突(任脈22) Tiantu(RN22).
穴義 天,天空;突,突出。
Tian, heaven; tu, chimney.
定位 胸骨上窩正中。
Location in the centre of the suprasternal fossa.
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主治 1. 化痰平喘要穴,治咳嗽、氣喘。
Indication 1. main point for removing phlegm, cough, asthma.
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針?lè)?/B> 針尖向下,緊靠胸骨柄后方刺入1-1.2寸。 |
Method Needle tip goes downwards, inserted 1-1.2 cun against the posterior port of the humerus handle
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備考 切勿深刺。 |
Remarks Avoid deep insertion. |